"Cafe Silencio" Premiere June 2024

The latest offering from the "Mimo" Mime Theatre is a mime performance that transports spectators to the heart of a bustling café, where various guests, each with their own story and character, come and go. In this seemingly tranquil place, the audience will have the opportunity to observe a range of characters: from the mildly or happily in love, through contemplative artists, to busy people of action. Each guest brings a unique baggage of emotions, expectations, and desires, thereby creating the unique atmosphere of the place. In a performance filled with subtle gestures and unforced humor, everyone is waiting for something or someone – but will they also be waiting for the waiter?

Script, direction, set design, costumes: Bartłomiej Ostapczuk, Music: Jagoda Stanicka. Featuring: Bartłomiej Ostapczuk, Jagoda Stanicka. Premiere 2024. Production by the Warsaw Mime Center / Mimo Theatre.